Account Sharing FAQs

Why am I seeing a "Someone else has logged in to your account" pop up?

Mark Stewart avatar
Written by Mark Stewart
Updated over a week ago

Why am I seeing a pop up saying, "Someone else has logged in to your account"?

In order to maintain user privacy and stop unauthorised account sharing we use pop up modals.

If multiple users access one account at the same time, the following pop up will appear:

If you try to log in to your account when it is being accessed by another user, you will see the following message:

As per the user agreement only one person can have access to one account at any time. If you have multiple members in your team sharing one account, you will need to purchase more licenses. 

Need more licences?

Please get in touch with customer support using the help button in the top right corner of LandInsight.

I am not sharing my account, let me in!

  • If you are not sharing your account and are encountering the pop up, someone else might have access to your account. We recommend changing your password immediately. Learn how to change your password here.

  • If you have changed your password and are still facing the issue, please contact customer support using the help button in the top right corner of LandInsight.

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